Lumbar hypertrichosis with leg weakness.
Patient Data
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
From the case:
Diastematomyelia - type II

The MRI sequences demonstrate:
- mild lower dorsal scoliosis of left-sided convexity
- congenital vertebral block from T8-T9 to T10-T11 with butterfly T11 vertebra
- diastematomyelia type II from T9-T10 to L2-L3 (hemicords within a single dural sac with no spur/septum)
- the conus medullaris terminates at L2-L3 (normal anatomical variant)
- spina bifida oculta along several vertebrae
- distended subarachnoid spaces/ thecal sac
Case Discussion
MRI features of a diastematomyelia type II with associated vertebral anomalies