Neck swelling, weight loss, tremors and palpitation. No visual disturbance.
Patient Data
Age: 35 years
Gender: Male

Well-outlined enlarged thyroid gland showing homogeneously increased radiotracer accumulation. Thyroid uptake function: 13.2% (Normal:0.4-4%). Poor visualization of the salivary glands, likely secondary to the intense radiotracer uptake by the thyroid gland.
Case Discussion
- Free T4=39.06 pmol/L (reference range=9-19).
- TSH=<00.01 mIU/L (reference range=0.35-4.94).
- TSH receptor antibodies=2.9+ IU/l (reference range= <1.8).
- The above mentioned clinical history, laboratory & scan findings are suggestive of diffuse goiter with significantly elevated thyroid uptake function secondary to the Graves disease.