Acute pain in the right upper quadrant and fever for 7 days.
Patient Data

CT scan without intravenous contrast was performed because of has increased creatinine.
Heterogeneous hypodense collection with fluid and gas in liver with gallbladder wall thickening and intraluminal gas.
Case Discussion
This case shows a hepatic abscess as a complication of acute cholecystitis. The patient initially presented with acute pain in the right upper quadrant and fever, but didn´t seek medical attention for 7 days.
There are three common complications of acute cholecystitis: emphysematous cholecystitis, haemorrhagic cholecystitis and pericholecystic abscess.
Due to the age and the clinical status of this patient, CT guided percutaneous drainage tomography was performed and intravenous antibiotics were administered as well. When the patient had improved clinically, cholecystectomy was performed.