Known case of pulmonary tuberculosis presented with lower abdominal pain, dyspareunia since last 1 month.
Patient Data

There is abnormal non-enhancing tortuous and tubular fluid-filled structure seen in the right adnexa. The right ovary can not be seen separately from the structure. The typical convoluted shape, size and site (adnexa) of the lesion are suggestive of dilated fluid filled fallopian tube or hydrosalpinx.
Variable amount of fluid collection is seen in the endometrium.
Incidentally noted abnormal hyperdense blood attenuating lesion within the cortical cyst in the left kidney suggestive of hemorrhagic renal cortical cyst.
Case Discussion
Hydrosalpinx can occur as an isolated or as one component of a complex adnexal lesion which has caused distal tubal occlusion. The most common cause is pelvic inflammatory disease. Other causes include endometriosis, postoperative adhesions, carcinoma of endomerium, and tubal ectopic pregnancy.