Fell 2.5m and hit head.
Patient Data

Trace intraventricular hemorrhage is noted layering dependently in the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles. No parenchymal or subdural/extradural hemorrhage. Grey-white matter differentiation is preserved. Ventricles and sulci remain age-appropriate.
Left occipitoparietal and right temporo-occipital scalp hematomas noted. Undisplaced longitudinal sagittally oriented left occipital bone fracture (not shown) again noted.

Small amount of blood is seen as hyperdensity (yellow arrows) in the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles.
Case Discussion
The occipital horns of the lateral ventricles is a good place to look for small amounts of intraventricular blood - look for a small triangle of hyperdensity.