Young female presented with stiffness and pain in both wrists, limitation of movements of bilateral wrist joints especially on the right side.
Patient Data
Severe erosion and joint space reduction noted in bilateral 2nd metacarpophalangeal joints, right 2nd and 3rd and left 2nd, 3rd and 5th proximal interphalangeal joints.
Fusiform soft tissue swelling is noted over the affected joints. Periarticular osteoporosis is noted.
Subluxation of 1st metacarpophalangeal joint is noted. Ulnar deviation of right little finger is noted.
Severe destruction and fusion of right sided carpal bones noted. Destruction of the distal epiphysis of right radius and ulna noted.
Case Discussion
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is the most common rheumatological disease in children. The exact etiology is still unknown that is why a new nomenclature, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) to be reflect the disease.