Fevers, cough.
Patient Data

Predominantly mid to lower zone airspace opacity. No large pleural effusion.
Legionella Multiplex PCR
Specimen Type/Site: Bronchial Washings
Legionella species: Positive
Legionella pneumophila: Negative
Species: Legionella longbeachae
Case Discussion
The chest x-ray features of legionella pneumonia are non-specific but include a mid-to-lower zone predominance of patchy consolidation and the condition is sometimes associated with pleural effusions (~ 30%).
Radiographic deterioration does not correlate well with clinical condition.
Legionella longbeachae is commonly found in potting mix (soil), more so in Australia than in Europe. It is an increasingly common (compared to Legionella pneumophila and other species) source of legionellosis.