Evaluation of scoliosis
Patient Data

At first glance it appears that the patient has an odd-shaped scoliosis, however a closer inspection (see magnified image) reveals that in fact the vertebrae in the region of the suspected scoliosis are in fact all distorted in an unnatural way - thus it is an effect of patient movement during acquisition.
Case Discussion
The EOS x-ray system is a valuable tool in the assessment of spine deformities, however radiographers and radiologists must be aware that due to the slow, 'sweeping' image acquisition technique, this modality is far more likely to be affected by movement artifacts than conventional x-ray acquisition is. Furthermore, unlike with other radiographs the movement does not necessarily affect the entire image, with the rest appearing normal, making it more difficult to detect.
Disclosure: I, Dr. Balint Botz, have no actual or potential ethical or financial conflict of interest in relation to this device. This case is not intended to be a personal endorsement or recommendation of this product.