The patient Incidentally found a painless bulging in her left upper arm region.
Patient Data

A broad osseous excrescence is observed along the lateral aspect of the right upper humerus, showing cortical and medullary continuity with the underlying bone. The cortex is smooth, without evidence of disruption or erosion. No periosteal reaction is present.

A sessile bony lesion arises from the lateral aspect of the proximal humeral meta-diaphysis, slightly displacing the overlying soft tissues. The medullary cavity is in continuity with that of the parent bone as well as the cortex, with no fracture or periosteal reaction seen. The cartilage cap is about 2.8 mm in thickness. Subtle subcortical edema and enhancement are noted in the region.
The remaining parts of the bone are intact.
Case Discussion
The features suggest benign growth of the right proximal humorous most likely sessile osteochondroma.