Parastomal hernia

Case contributed by Abdulmajid Bawazeer
Diagnosis certain


The patient started to complain of diffuse abdominal pain as well as a tense tender bulge adjacent to the stoma opening.

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male
This study is a stack
Axial C+
This study is a stack
Coronal C+
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C+ delayed

There is a cluster of small bowel loops and bowel mesentery protruding through the abdominal wall muscles adjacent to stoma associated with free fluid and fatty stranding.

Proximal abnormally dilated and fluid-filled small bowel loops with mesenteric fatty stranding.

Bilateral renal cysts are noted.

The colon is non-visualized due to the previous total colectomy.

Case Discussion

Parastomal hernia considered the most common occurred long-term stoma complication with incidence reaches 50% ​1.
​In the above case, it leads to small bowel obstruction.

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