The patient started to complain of diffuse abdominal pain as well as a tense tender bulge adjacent to the stoma opening.
Patient Data
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![This study is a stack](/packs/stack-YQKLCKBI.gif)
![This study is a stack](/packs/stack-YQKLCKBI.gif)
There is a cluster of small bowel loops and bowel mesentery protruding through the abdominal wall muscles adjacent to stoma associated with free fluid and fatty stranding.
Proximal abnormally dilated and fluid-filled small bowel loops with mesenteric fatty stranding.
Bilateral renal cysts are noted.
The colon is non-visualized due to the previous total colectomy.
Case Discussion
Parastomal hernia considered the most common occurred long-term stoma complication with incidence reaches 50% 1.
In the above case, it leads to small bowel obstruction.