Subacute history of weakness and altered sensorium
Patient Data
Note: This case has been tagged as "legacy" as it no longer meets image preparation and/or other case publication guidelines.

Left periventricular mass demonstrating a homogeneous, T2 iso- to hyperintense mass with patchy enhancement post gadolinium and prominent restricted diffusion.
MR Spectroscopy shows a large Choline peak, reversed Cho/Cr and Lactate peaks. Prominent inositol peak is also seen.
Case Discussion
Left periventricular mass demonstrating a homogeneous, T2 iso- to hyperintense mass with patchy enhancement post gadolinium and prominent restricted diffusion.
An initial CT (not shown) demonstrated a homogeneously hyperdense mass.
The lack of prominent enhancement is atypical.
MR spectroscopy revealed: Large Choline peak with reversed choline:creatinine ratio. Prominent lactate peak is also seen. Prominent inositol peak is also seen.
Findings are nonetheless consistent with primary CNS lymphoma.