Mild scoliosis.
Patient Data

Mild thoracic scoliosis, convex to the right with the apex at T8.
Anterior vertebral body wedging from T9-T12 with endplate irregularity throughout the mid to lower thoracic spine.
Skeletal maturity: Risser stage 2.

Normal vertebral segmentation. No listhesis.
Thoracic kyphosis angle of 42 degrees. >5 degrees anterior vertebral body wedging from T7 to T12 along with endplate irregularity and small Schmorl's nodes from T6-7 to T12-L1. No bone marrow edema.
Spinal cord central canal prominence from the T3-4 level to the T6-7 level, maximum AP dimension of 2 mm. Spinal cord is otherwise of normal signal intensity and caliber. Conus medullaris ends at the L1-2 level.
Anterior angulation of the coccyx. Lipid poor T9 vertebral body hemangioma.
Case Discussion
Scheuermann disease is a less common cause of scoliosis in adolescents and is secondary to asymmetric endplate changes. Mild syringomyelia has been reported as a not uncommon, incidental finding in patients with Scheuermann disease as well as patients with scoliosis.