Supraspinatus calcific tendinitis with calcific bursitis

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel
Diagnosis certain


Acute, non-traumatic onset of right shoulder pain for 1 week.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Male

Increased acromion-humeral space.

Amorphous calcification near the greater tuberosity of the humeral head.

A curvilinear calcification overlying the greater tuberosity of the humeral head; reaching near the surgical neck of the humerus.

Normal glenohumeral joint and acromioclavicular joint space. No irregularity of the articular surfaces/ fracture/ dislocation/ bone lesion.


Calcification ( about 14 x 12 x 6 mm) in the posterior fibers of the supraspinatus tendon. No acoustic shadowing. Intact supraspinatus tendon.

Normal infraspinatus, subscapularis, and biceps long head tendons.

No fatty infiltration/atrophy of supraspinatus/ infraspinatus muscles.

No glenohumeral joint effusion.                                    

Moderate effusion in the subacromial-subdeltoid bursa. Dependent tiny echogenic foci (calcium) in the bursa along with peribursal hypervascularity. 

Case Discussion

Findings of supraspinatus calcific tendinitis and calcific subdeltoid-subacromial bursitis due to leak of calcium from a tendon into the bursa.

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