? swallowed dentures
Patient Data
Age: 75 years
Gender: Male
From the case:
Swallowed dentures (chest x-ray)

Metallic dentures are projected in the lower neck, presumably within the upper cervical esophagus. A lateral projection has not been performed, however, the lateral aspects of the metallic foreign body project beyond the lucency defining the trachea. There is no associated pneumomediastinum or gas within the soft tissues of the neck.
The lungs are clear apart from some atelectasis at the left base. No pleural effusion. Mild right apical pleural capping is longstanding. Cardiomediastinal contours are normal.
Case Discussion
Patients prone to swallowing dentures include:
- elderly
- dementia
- neurologic deficit especially with swallowing and the gag reflex
- mental health
- drug and alcohol dependence