The patient presented to emergency department with severe headache not responding to analgesia.
Patient Data

mild periventricular hypoattenuation suggesting transependymal edema
the midbrain tectum is enlarged and appears slightly hyperdense

moderate supratentorial hydrocephalus causing thinning of the corpus callosum and transependymal edema
the tectum is enlarged (about 1.8 cm craniocaudal x 0.8 cm anteroposterior) and distorted (loss of normal configuration of superior and inferior colliculi) with iso- to slight hypointense signal on T1, high signal on T2 and FLAIR, mild high signal on DWI and causing aqueductal stenosis
no tonsillar herniation
Case Discussion
Tectal glioma is a childhood brainstem glioma with mild male predilection. It is a low grade astrocytoma with good prognosis.
The radiological finding is highly suggesting tectal plate glioma with obstructive hydrocephalus.