Chest pain and shortness of breath.
Patient Data

Ectasia of both ascending (47 mm) and descending (37 mm) thoracic aortas associated with two large intraluminal chronic thrombi, first extending from the aortic arch (distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery), the second one at suprarenal abdominal aorta (proximal to the origin of the renal artery ). These do not involve major branches of the aorta. Multiple calcified foci seen at the wall of the aorta.
Case Discussion
The upper normal limit diameters of the thoracic aorta are 4.0 cm of the ascending portion and 3.3 cm of the descending portion. The term "aneurysm" is used when the axial diameter is >5.0 cm for the ascending aorta and >4.0 cm for the descending aorta. In our case, these measurements are above the normal limit but not reaching the size to be categorized as an aneurysm, hence the term "ectasia" is used.