An athlete has been complaining of periodic pain in the elbow for 8 years. There is a negative trauma history.
Patient Data

The right olecranon process is deformed - there are two ossification centers. The contour of the fragments is sclerotic. Incomplete ossification is visible. The congruence of articular surfaces is preserved, and the joint space is symmetrical. The caudal aspect of the apophysis is deformed, and an osteophyte has developed.
Features suggest epiphysiolysis of the right olecranon process without displacement - incompletely ossificated.
Case Discussion
Elbow ossification involves the ossification of 6 ossification centers. Each center completes ossification at different ages.
In this case, we have incomplete or disturbed ossification of the olecranon process. Sometimes, this is simply a developmental variant and not pathological. However, if we are dealing with a pathological condition, it may be caused by genetic factors, trauma, metabolic disorders, or hormonal disorders.
The most common cause is a traumatic injury. During adolescence, an elbow injury can damage the growth plate, or olecranon underdevelopment may occur after repeated microtrauma (especially in athletes).