Urethro-scroto-cutaneous fistula

Case contributed by Henry Knipe
Diagnosis certain


Three months post drainage of scrotal abscess, presents with fluid leaking from scrotal abscess drainage site ?fistula.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Male

Retrograde urethrogram


Retrograde contrast injection fills the penile urethra before subsequently entering the scrotum and exiting the skin. Findings are in keeping with urethro-scroto-cutaneous fistula. 

Micturating cystogram...


Micturating cystogram contrast instilled via SPC

Persistent urethro-scroto-cutaneous fistula was demonstrated six days after the initial retrograde urethrogram. 

Case Discussion

Scrotal abscess formed after bilateral orchiectomy and the fistula a further complication. After the initial retrograde urethrogram, a SPC was placed to divert urine but this was unsuccessful six days later with the fistula tract still patent on micturating cystogram.  

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