76 results
Enthesopathy at the base of the fifth metatarsal bone

07 Dec 2020
91% complete
Stress fracture - base of 5th metatarsal bone

02 Nov 2022
71% complete
The metatarsals consist of five long bones in the foot. They are numbered from 1st to 5th from the medial side of the foot to lateral. They are analogous to the metacarpals of the hand.
Gross anatomy
The metatarsal bones run from the tarsus, forming the tarsometatarsal joints, to the base of p...
Arterial supply to the foot
Arterial supply to the foot can be divided into plantar and dorsal components.
Plantar arterial supply
Posterior tibial artery
gives off its calcaneal branch
then divides into the medial and lateral plantar arteries
Medial plantar artery
branch of the posterior tibial artery
smaller cal...
Intermediate cuneiform
The intermediate cuneiform is one of the tarsal bones located between the medial and lateral cuneiform bones.
Gross anatomy
This is a wedge-shaped small bone in the distal tarsal row. Its distal and proximal surfaces are triangular and articulate with the navicular bone and base of ...
Flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot)
The flexor digiti minimi brevis (FDMB) of the foot lies under the 5th metatarsal bone.
origin: base of metatarsal V and related sheath of fibularis longus tendon
insertion: lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of 5th toe
action: flexes 5th toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
The cuboid bone is one of the tarsal bones located lateral to the lateral cuneiform bone and has an important articulation with the calcaneus.
location: lies laterally in the midfoot
articulations: proximally with the calcaneus, medially with the lateral cuneiform and navicular, and d...
Medial cuneiform
The medial cuneiform is one of the tarsal bones located between the navicular and base of first metatarsal, medial to the intermediate cuneiform bone.
Gross anatomy
The medial cuneiform is one of the cuneiforms, it is the most medial in the distal row of tarsal bones.
It has a narr...
Medial cuneiform to second metatarsal distance
Medial cuneiform to second metatarsal distance is the measurement of the distance between the lateral aspect of the medial cuneiform and the medial aspect of the base of the second metatarsal bone 1,2.
Medial cuneiform to second metatarsal distance is an important measurement used in ass...
Tibialis anterior muscle
The tibialis anterior muscle is a long narrow fusiform-shaped muscle located in the anterior compartment of the leg. It is the most superficial and largest muscle of the group and is the main foot dorsiflexor.
origin: superior two thirds of the lateral surface of tibia and adjacent int...
Foot (dorsoplantar view)
The dorsoplantar view is part of a three view series examining the phalanges, metatarsals and tarsal bones that make up the foot.
This view demonstrates the location and extent of fractures in the foot, joint space abnormalities, soft tissue effusions and is the frontal view for t...
Foot (weight-bearing dorsoplantar view)
The weight-bearing dorsoplantar foot radiograph is a specialized projection of the foot. Nonweightbearing views (e.g. DP foot) are inadequate for the assessment of alignment because the bones of the feet are not in a functional position.
This view is key to the assessment of foot a...
MRI of the ankle (an approach)
MRI of the ankle is one of the more frequent examinations faced in daily radiological practice. This approach is an example of how to create a radiological report of an MRI of the ankle with coverage of the most common anatomical sites of possible pathology, within the ankle without claim for co...
First to second metatarsal distance
The first to second metatarsal distance or M1-M2 distance is the length between the bases of the first and second metatarsal bone and a measurement for the evaluation of midfoot instability.
The first to second metatarsal distance is used for the evaluation and classification of midfoot ...
Accessory peroneal muscles
Accessory peroneal muscles are a group of accessory muscles that can occur in the foot region as a normal variant in some individuals. The peroneal compartment is known as the lateral compartment of the leg.
Peroneus quartus muscle
Originally, several accessory muscles were distinguished in th...
Anterior oblique ligament of the thumb
The anterior oblique ligament of the thumb is one of several carpometacarpal ligaments of the thumb and also one of its main stabilizers 1.
The anterior oblique ligament of the thumb is also known as the ‘beak ligament’. It can be divided into a superficial and a deep component and...
Foot (medial oblique view)
The medial oblique projection is part of the three view series examining the phalanges, metatarsals and tarsal bones that make up the foot.
This view demonstrates the location and extent of fractures in the foot and joint space abnormalities. It is also used in the determination o...
Iselin disease
Iselin disease is a benign and self-limiting condition, defined as apophysitis of the base of the 5th metatarsal.
It is most commonly seen in males with sport injuries and is often also seen in adolescents.
The exact etiology is not known although accepted by many as ...
Nutcracker fracture of the cuboid
A nutcracker fracture of the cuboid refers to a cuboid bone fracture with associated navicular avulsion fracture due to compression between the bases of 4th and 5th metatarsals and calcaneus bone. The injury usually occurs secondary to the traumatic abduction of the forefoot. This results in los...
Toes (oblique view)
The toes medial oblique view is part of the toe series examining the phalanges and metatarsals of the foot.
This view shows the region of interest with 45° medial obliquity. It serves as another angle to evaluate any joint abnormalities such as gout (especially in the first digit) ...