Intermediate cuneiform

Last revised by Arlene Campos on 18 Feb 2025

The intermediate cuneiform is one of the tarsal bones located between the medial and lateral cuneiform bones.

This is a wedge-shaped small bone in the distal tarsal row. Its distal and proximal surfaces are triangular and articulate with the navicular bone and base of second metatarsal. The medial and lateral surfaces are partly articular and are appositional to the medial and lateral cuneiforms respectively. The plantar surface is narrow and receives a slip of the tibialis posterior.

It articulates with the navicular bone proximally and the base of the second metatarsal bone distally. Medially and laterally its articulations with medial and lateral cuneiform are present.

A tendon slip of tibialis posterior attaches to the plantar surface.

Strong but small interosseous ligaments connect the non-articular surfaces to adjacent cuneiforms.

This cuneiform is supplied by branches of the dorsal arterial network to its dorsal, medial and lateral surfaces.

The intermediate cuneiform is innervated by the deep peroneal and medial plantar nerves, same as the medial cuneiform.

Single ossification center which arises at the third year of life.

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