Adventitious or adventitial bursitis refers to inflammation associated with adventitious bursae.
Adventitious bursae are not permanent native bursae. They can develop in adulthood at sites where subcutaneous tissue becomes exposed to high pressure and friction.
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Clinical presentation
When present in the foot, patients may present with metatarsalgia 6.
It is thought to develop secondary to chronic microtrauma and shearing forces exerted on the subcutaneous tissue of the plantar forefoot 7.
These begin when pre-existing small fluid spaces coalesce in loose connective tissue. The walls then progressively become differentiated from the adjacent connective tissue and a well-defined fluid-filled cavity is formed, which is lined by synovium-like columnar cells. Unlike permanent bursae, they lack a mesothelial lining.
foot and ankle region: typical site and usually adjacent to bony prominences
medial eminence of the first metatarsal head
towards the plantar aspect of the metatarsal heads
overlying amputation stumps 3
Radiographic features
A region of superficial swelling with a fluid (anechoic) tract corresponding to friction sites in typical locations can be seen.
May demonstrate an ill-defined lesion located in the subcutaneous fat. Typical signal characteristics are that of fluid:
T1: low signal
high signal
may have intralesional string- or band-like low-signal structures