Calcification of the globe (differential)

Last revised by Tariq Walizai on 7 Jul 2024

Calcification of the globe has many causes, varying from benign to malignant. When calcification is seen in the posterior half of the globe, it could relate to any of the layers (scleral, choroidal or retinal), as it is not possible to separate them out on CT.


Differential diagnosis

For globe opacification consider:

See also

Cases and figures

  • Case 1: drusen
  • Case 2: bilateral retinoblastoma
  • Case 3: chorioretinitis
  • Case 4: bilateral choroidal osteoma
  • Case 5: senile calcific scleral plaques
  • Case 6: phthisis bulbi

Imaging differential diagnosis

  • Intraocular foreign bodies
  • Scleral tattoos - bilateral

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