Chronic granulomatous disease (pulmonary manifestations)

Last revised by Arlene Campos on 10 Sep 2024

Pulmonary manifestations of chronic granulomatous disease can be seen in approximately 80% of cases of chronic granulomatous disease, which is a disease characterized by multiple bacterial and fungal infections occurring as a result of a defect in the gene that encodes NADPH oxidase.

The most common infectious agents include Aspergillus, Staphylococcus, Burkholderia, Nocardia and Serratia species. 

Radiographic features

CT chest

Many features have been described which are variable and non-specific on their own.

These include 1,3:

Contiguous extension of disease from the lungs to the pleura or chest wall can be reported in up to one-third of patients 3.


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