Midtarsal sprain

Last revised by Henry Knipe on 29 Jun 2021

Midtarsal sprains are common injuries of the foot but are often under-recognized both clinically and radiologically. They commonly occur with lateral ankle sprains


In patients undergoing MRI for acute ankle trauma, up to 19% will have a midtarsal sprain 1.


The mechanism of injury can be inversion (most common, up to 75%) +/- plantarflexion, or eversion 1,2

Inversion-related fractures in midtarsal sprains occur in three main patterns 1:

Eversion-related fractures in midtarsal sprains result in two main patterns 1:

  • medial column distraction injuries
    • navicular tuberosity: tibialis posterior avulsion / superomedial spring ligament
  • lateral column impaction fractures
    • calcaneocuboid joint impaction fractures

Cases and figures

  • Case 1
  • Case 2
  • Case 3
  • Case 4

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