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Knipe H, Campos A, Chieng R, et al. Neonatal hydronephrosis. Reference article, (Accessed on 26 Feb 2025)
Neonatal hydronephrosis is most commonly diagnosed antenatally as fetal pylectasis, and in the majority of cases is due to pelviureteric junction (PUJ) obstruction.
The degree of neonatal hydronephrosis can be classified by urinary tract dilatation classification.
Renal pelvis AP diameter of >7-10 mm is considered significant 3,4; this is not absolute and varies by institution. It can be classified according to severity of hydronephrosis 7:
grade 1: mildly dilated renal pelvis without calyceal dilatation
grade 2: further dilation of renal pelvis with dilatation of some calyces
grade 3: renal pelvis and calyces are dilated, however, the renal parenchymal thickness is normal
grade 4: all features of grade 3, together with thinning of renal parenchyma
Treatment and prognosis
The estimated incidence of neonatal hydronephrosis that has clinical significance is 1 in 600 and most cases will resolve without intervention 5.
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