Panner disease

Last revised by Andrea Molinari on 16 Jan 2023

Panner disease is osteonecrosis of the capitellum. It should be distinguished from osteochondritis dissecans of the elbow which also affects the capitellum. 

Panner disease is typically seen in children (5-10 years of age), although it is also seen in throwers due to repeated trauma. Panner disease occurs in a younger age group than osteochondritis dissecans which typically occurs in teenagers.

On MRI typically the entire capitellum is affected and demonstrates low T1 signal and high T2 signal. In contrast to osteochondritis dissecans, Panner disease does not usually result in intra-articular loose bodies.

It heals spontaneously with little if any residual deformity. This is analogous to Köhler disease, with healing and re-ossification.

Named after Hans Jessen Panner (1871-1930), a Danish radiologist. 

Cases and figures

  • Case 1

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