Pulmonary metastases

Last revised by Tariq Walizai on 24 Jul 2024

Pulmonary metastases refer to distant tumour spread from a variety of primary tumours to the lungs via the blood or lymphatics.

This article primarily describes haematogenous pulmonary metastases while lymphangitic carcinomatosis is discussed separately.

Lung metastases are common. The incidence of synchronous lung metastasis at initial cancer presentation is about 18 per 100,000, noting this figure does not include metachronous metastases (occurring after initial cancer staging) 8. The incidence is slightly higher in males (20 in 100,000) than females (16 in 100,000) 8. The specific epidemiology reflects that of the underlying malignancies (see below).

As malignancies increase in incidence with increasing age, so does the incidence of synchronous pulmonary metastases. Below age 40, the incidence is about 1 in 100,000, while above age 40, the incidence is about 40 in 100,000 8. The peak incidence reaches 116 per 100,000 in patients age 80-84 8.

Pulmonary metastases are usually asymptomatic or can present with haemoptysis, dyspnoea, and pneumothorax. Symptoms more commonly arise from the primary tumour, extrapulmonary metastates or systemic effects 5.

Pulmonary thrombotic microangiopathy is an exception, causing hypoxaemia, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, rapid decline and death 10. Gastric carcinoma is the most common primary.

Tumours spread to the lungs in a variety of ways:

  • direct invasion from an extrapulmonary tumour

  • haematogenous capillary embolisation and intra-parenchymal growth

  • intravascular tumour embolus and intravascular growth

  • tumour microangiopathy (causing pulmonary hypertension and death)

  • airway spread

  • lymphatic spread

The most common malignancies to present with pulmonary metastases are the following that predominate in middle age to older adults, each occurring with an incidence of greater than 1 in 100,000 8:

In young men aged 15 to 40, testicular cancer is the most common cause of synchronous lung metastasis 8.

In adolescents aged 10 to 20, bone and soft tissue sarcomas are the major sources in both sexes 8. Under age 10, kidney and soft tissue tumours dominate 8. The most common primaries for paediatric pulmonary metastases are the following histologies:

Alternatively, primaries that most frequently metastasise to lungs (although are much less common) include 1,3:

Primaries that metastasise as endobronchial deposits can include:

Pulmonary metastases typically appear as multiple, peripheral, rounded nodules scattered throughout both lungs 1. Larger nodules and masses may be termed cannonball metastases. Atypical features include consolidation, cavitation, cystic change, calcification, ossificationhaemorrhage, and secondary pneumothorax.

Plain films are insensitive, although frequently able to make the diagnosis, as often pulmonary metastases are large and numerous.

CT is excellent at visualising pulmonary nodules. Typically, metastases appear of soft tissue attenuation, well circumscribed, rounded lesions, more often in the periphery of the lung. They are usually of variable size, a feature which is of some use in distinguishing them from a granuloma 3.

A prominent pulmonary vessel has frequently been noted heading into a metastasis. This has been termed the feeding vessel sign 4. It is unclear whether this is a true finding or the result of older scanners with thicker slices resulting in volume averaging 4. However, a number of atypical features are commonly encountered.

Some tumours have a predilection for innumerable small metastases (miliary pattern):

Conversely, a pulmonary metastasis may be single. This is most frequently seen in colorectal carcinoma but can be seen with other primary tumours 3:

Adenocarcinoma metastases, rather than displace or destroy adjacent lung parenchyma, may grow in a lepidic fashion (spread along alveolar walls) resulting in pneumonia-like consolidation. Air bronchograms may also be visible 1.

Cavitation is present in ~4% of cases 1. The most common primary is squamous cell carcinoma, most often from the head and neck or from the lung. Other primaries include adenocarcinomas, and sarcomas 1,3.

Calcification, although uncommon and more frequently a feature of benign aetiology (e.g. granuloma or hamartoma) is also seen with metastases, particularly those from papillary thyroid carcinoma and adenocarcinomas. Treated metastases, osteosarcomas and chondrosarcomas may also contain calcified densities 1.

A halo of ground-glass opacity representing haemorrhage can be seen, particularly surrounding haemorrhagic pulmonary metastases, such as choriocarcinoma and angiosarcoma 1.

Some studies some added capacity in differential intrapulmonary metastases with dual energy CT based on iodine concentration 9.

Although not used routinely, MRI may be as sensitive in the detection of pulmonary metastases as CT 2,4.

In general, pulmonary metastases are an ominous finding, indicating poor prognosis. The specific prognosis will, however, depend on the primary tumour.

Tumours with prominent necrosis located near a pleural surface may result in a pneumothorax. Osteosarcoma is classically described as the pulmonary metastasis that results in pneumothorax. Another cause of pneumothoraces includes cystic or cavitary pulmonary metastases.

The differential depends on the number of nodules/masses and their imaging characteristics.

Cases and figures

  • Case 1: canon-ball metastases from breast cancer
  • Case 2: from colorectal carcinoma
  • Case 3: thyroid primary
  • Case 4: miliary metastases papillary ca of the thyroid
  • Case 5: from renal cell cancer
  • Case 6: from testicular cancer
  • Case 7: from prostate cancer
  • Case 8: from CRC
  • Case 9: osteosarcoma metastases
  • Case 10: cavitary metastases
  • Case 11: from colorectal cancer
  • Case 12: from testicular cancer
  • Case 13: from RCC
  • Case 14: from salivary gland carcinoma
  • Case 15: from osteosarcoma
  • Case 16: from carotid body tumour
  • Case 17: from lung primary
  • Case 18: leiomyosarcoma primary
  • Case 19: from breast cancer
  • Case 20: from rectal adenocarcinoma
  • Case 21: from metastatic melanoma
  • Case 22: from carcinoma of the cervix

Imaging differential diagnosis

  • Pulmonary hamartoma

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