Subcarinal air cyst

Last revised by Daniel J Bell on 19 Apr 2023

Subcarinal air cysts refer to small air cysts that can be detected on a CT. They are thought to represent small main bronchial diverticula although the former term is preferred 2. They may be associated with chronic airflow limitation. Some authors also consider these lying on the same spectrum of conditions as right paratracheal air cysts 1.

Patients are asymptomatic and they are often seen on imaging for some other reason.

They typically have a lobulated margin and can demonstrate ductlike communications between the air cyst and bronchi. Duct-like communications can arise from the posteroinferior aspect of the proximal side of the main bronchi; they can be either solitary or multiple. The larger subcarinal air cysts tend to be multiloculated.

If there are relevant clinical factors, consider


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