Work up for abdominal pain and dyspepsia
Patient Data
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Increased wall thickness due to tumoral infiltration is present in the gastric cardia, subcardia and proximal of the body, accompanied by perigastric fat stranding and several regional enlarged lymph nodes with SAD less than 12 mm. There is no sign of local invasion, and fat planes between the mass and adjacent liver are pressured.
Post-operative changes are seen in the left liver lobe due to cystectomy and omental packing. Some fluid accumulation is noted in the surgical site.
The gallbladder is not seen at the anatomical location due to prior resection.
Degenerative changes such as osteophytosis are seen in the lumbar spine.
Grade I spondylolisthesis of L4 on L5 is present with bilateral spondylolysis.
Case Discussion
Gastric mass; pathology-proven adenocarcinoma with small regional lymphadenopathy.
No local invasion and no detectable metastasis.