Duplicated IVC

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis certain


Incidental findings during workup for abdominal pain. Deranged urea and electrolytes.

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male
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Multiple incidental findings:

  • duplicated IVC

  • cystitis cystica

  • type 1 fixed hiatal hernia

  • right erector spinae intramuscular lipoma

Case Discussion

There is a duplicated IVC as demonstrated by the continuation of the tortuous left common iliac vein and crossing anterior to the aorta at the level of the left renal vein to join the normal right-sided IVC. There are no associated renal parenchymal or vascular anomalies in the non-contrast CT study.

There is the appearance of multiple, tiny, lucent bladder wall defects suggestive of cystitis cystica. There is no associated prostatomegaly, no bladder calculi, and no pelvic lipomatosis. Chronic infection and irritation as the possible source was suggested.

Incidental, simple, paraspinal intramuscular lipoma for conservative management.

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