Developmental venous anomaly

Case contributed by Prashant Gupta
Diagnosis certain


History of recurrent seizures

Patient Data

Age: 10 years
Gender: Male
This study is a stack
This study is a stack
T1 C+
fat sat

The FLAIR images are apparently normal.

The post-contrast images show enhancing cortical venous tributaries in the left parietal cortex converging into a large draining vein (yellow arrows) that further drains into a subependymal vein.

There is no evidence of ischemia or edema seen.

Case Discussion

Developmental venous anomalies(DVA) aka venous angioma represent variations of normal venous drainage rather than true malformations.

Patients are usually asymptomatic

It consists of tortuous tributary veins that converge on an enlarged draining vein giving a "caput medusae" appearance.

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