Palpable mass under the left areola
Patient Data
Age: 30 years
Gender: Female
From the case:
Subareolar infiltrating ductal breast cancer


I have left the annotation on the image to confirm where the image was taken. The study was initially interpreted as normal. The acoustic shadow under the nipple is a potential hazard in interpretation. Don't simply assume there is a shadow from their nipple. If you look carefully you will see a mass subareolar with microcalcifications.
Breast ultrasound is a hands on real time imaging study.
From the case:
Subareolar infiltrating ductal breast cancer

Subareolar mass with calcifications.
Case Discussion
This is an exceptional invasive ductal carcinoma in a 30 year old lady with no family history.
The teaching points here are:
- The subareolar acoustic shadow is a potential hiding place for mass lesions. It's too simple to assume that the area is blind in ultrasound.
- Breast ultrasound is a hands on real time imaging procedure.
- Subareolar imaging is best done from an oblique angle with pressure on the probe.