Abdominal pain in lower abdomen for 1 day.
Patient Data

There is distension of the small bowl with a suffering loop identified in the pelvic region. Following the end of this loop, it can be noticed that it seems to represent an internal hernia.

Annotated image showing the point where it is felt to represent the neck of the internal herniation.
Case Discussion
This case represents an intersigmoid hernia, which is the most common type of sigmoid mesocolon hernias, it is an internal abdominal hernia that occurs in fossa intersigmoid 1. The intersigmoid fossa is a peritoneal pocket formed between two adjacent sigmoid segments and their mesentery 2.
Intersigmoid hernias (including all three types of sigmoid mesocolon hernias) represent about 4 to 8% of internal hernias 2.
This case was confirmed at surgery.