Cerebral arteriovenous malformation with hemorrhage

Case contributed by Frank Gaillard
Diagnosis certain


Acute headache.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Large right frontal intraparenchymal hemorrhage, approximately measuring 6 x 2.5 x 6 cm in perpendicular dimensions; with minimal surrounding vasogenic edema and mild resultant mass effect effacing the sulci.

Extension of the hemorrhage into the ventricular system noted with blood layering within the dependent position of the lateral ventricles as well as third and forth ventricles. There is perhaps subtle prominence of the temporal horns bilaterally suggestive of an early hydrocephalus.


A right lateral frontal deep white matter arteriovenous malformation, with the nidus measuring approximately 1.5 cm predominantly fed through arteries from the superior branch of the right MCA and perhaps M1 perforators is present; draining via an enlarged deep parenchymal vein into the right internal cerebral vein; prominent rights vein of Rosenthal and Galen.

Associating venous aneurysm/varix is noted, probably protruding into the right lateral ventricle with an impression for possible obstructive effects over the foramen Monro on the right side.

No other abnormalities identified.


Arteriovenous malformation identified, most likely grade III as per Spetzler-Martin classification:

  • Nidus less than 2 cm.

  • Internal cerebral venous drainage.

  • Likely compromising an eloquent area.

This study is a stack
Frontal Internal
carotid artery
This study is a stack
Lateral Common
carotid artery
This study is a stack
This study is a stack

Right frontal deep AVM has small nidus from superior division of MCA - small ill-defined, probably from multiple branches (opercular).

Single draining vein passes medially, with venous varix, venous stenosis, then into internal cerebral vein and vein of Galen.

ECA injection showed no supply, and there was none from the contralateral carotid or vertebral injections. No arterial aneurysms identified.

Marked enlargement and retrograde filling of the ophthalmic veins noted on the ECA injection - filling from anterior to posterior - with no evidence of cavernous DAVF.


Right frontal AVM with hemorrhage, venous stenosis, single draining vein passing to deep venous system. Small nidus, deep drainage, eloquent = Spetzler & Martin grade III.

Case Discussion

Cerebral AVMs are relatively common with a prevalence of ~4%. Hemorrhage is the most common presentation with seizures also common. 

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