Excessive alcohol intake for the past 5 days. Presented with headache and weakness of left upper and lower limb.
Patient Data
Note: This case has been tagged as "legacy" as it no longer meets image preparation and/or other case publication guidelines.

Hyperdense bilateral transverse, straight and superior sagittal sinuses. Hyperdensity in the left parietal sulcal space.
Subtle hypodensity in the right parasagittal frontal lobe with subtle hyperdense areas.
Case Discussion
Findings are consistent with cerebral venous thrombosis with early evolving hemorrhagic venous infarct.
The findings were also confirmed with MRI (not shown here) which showed hypointensity in the expanded venous sinuses (acute thrombosis) with no flow on MRV. Also, there was diffusion restriction in the right parasagittal frontal region which also had areas of blooming on GRE sequence.
Patient responded well to anticoagulant therapy.
Excessive alcohol intake may lead to a state of dehydration and may result in CVT 1.