Limb body wall complex (photo)

Case contributed by Frank Gaillard
Diagnosis certain


Antenatal ultrasound revealed an abnormality. Spontanous labor began at 33W6D, resulting in an emergency C-section.

Patient Data

Age: neonate
Gender: Male

A large abdominal wall defect is present with most of the abdominal organs located external to the body cavity. A pronounced kypho-scoliosis also noted. 

These images have been donated to by the parents of this neonate, who passed away shortly after birth. The baby's face has not been obscured / blacked out at the request of the parents. 

Case Discussion

This case was uploaded at the request of the parents for educational purposes.

Consent: Before this case was published, the patient and/or their guardian gave written informed consent. Radiopaedia stores this consent separately from this case. If you have any questions, please contact

Permission ID: P-00004

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