Schmorl nodes

Case contributed by Rekha Khare
Diagnosis certain


Chronic backache all over from neck to down for last few years. On examination, there was no remarkable clinical sign. There was no other constitutional symptom. Routine laboratory examination was within the normal limit.

Patient Data

Age: 18 years
Gender: Male
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Lumbar curvature seems to be maintained. Vertebrae are with slightly reduced height.

Multilevel disc bulging, few are with low signal/dehydrated more at L2-3, L3-4.

T1and T2 weighted sagittal MR scan of the lumbar spine showing rounded fairly central endplate cortical defects/Schmörl nodes with herniated disc material at T12, L1, 2, 5.

No high signal due to inflammation or edema is noted in the bone marrow surrounding the Schmörl nodes in T2 weighted slice.

Intervertebral disc spaces are not remarkably reduced.

Case Discussion

Schmorl nodes refer to protrusions of the cartilage of the intervertebral disc through the vertebral body endplate and into the adjacent vertebra. The protrusions may contact the marrow of the vertebra, leading to inflammation.

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