Upper abdominal pain for weeks. Slightly elevated inflammatory markers.
Patient Data

Inflammatory changes of pancreatic head and descending duodenum.
Hypodense soft tissue sheets in the pancreaticoduodenal groove, associated with inflammatory stranding within the surrounding fat and in the right anterior pararenal paraduodenal space, thickening of duodenal wall and enlarged periduodenal lymph nodes.
A mesenteric calcified structure is noted in the right lower quadrant, most likely representing a calcified lymph node.

Inflammatory changes of the pancreatic head and descending duodenum.
Hypodense soft tissue sheets in the pancreaticoduodenal groove, associated with inflammatory stranding within the surrounding fat and in the right anterior pararenal paraduodenal space, thickening of duodenal wall and enlarged periduodenal lymph nodes.
Case Discussion
Images show a paraduodenal pancreatitis.
Endoscopy confirmed chronic inflammatory changes of the descending duodenum, including scarring constriction and wall thickening.