Duplication of inferior vena cava

Case contributed by Varun Babu
Diagnosis certain


Weight loss work up.

Patient Data

Age: 50 years
Gender: Male
This study is a stack
Axial C+ portal
venous phase
This study is a stack
Coronal C+ portal
venous phase

Incidental note is made of duplication of inferior vena cava with right IVC draining right external iliac vein. Left inferior vena cava drains left renal vein, left common iliac vein and right internal iliac vein. Left IVC rejoins right IVC in the infrahepatic portion. 

Annotated image

Annotated depiction of three vessel pattern in the abdomen, wherein the abdominal aorta is sandwiched between two IVCs. 

Case Discussion

This was an incidental finding picked up in a patient with weight loss work up. A poorly defined lesion was identified in the pancreatic body with a long segment circumferential mural thickening in sigmoid. Few focal liver lesions are present, some typical of hemangiomas, others possible secondaries.

Identification of duplication of IVC warrants further detailed evaluation of abdomen to rule out any other associated urogenital developmental anomalies

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