Prostate cancer - anterior peripheral zone

Case contributed by Joachim Feger
Diagnosis certain


Persistently rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA).

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male

Multi-parametric magnetic...

This study is a stack
This study is a stack
This study is a stack
This study is a stack
This study is a stack
Axial DWI
This study is a stack
Axial DWI
This study is a stack
This study is a stack

Multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging mpMRI


Quality:  mild geometric distortion on DWI, does not compromise diagnostic confidence

Prostate size: 51 x 44 x 52 mm (CC x AP x ML) ≈61 mL.

Hemorrhage:  none

Peripheral zone (PZ):  uniform hyperintense signal with one focal finding

Focal lesion #1:

  • location:  right mid gland/apical anterior peripheral zone (PZa) and right anterior fibromuscular stroma (AFMS), visible on axial images (ima 11-14) and sagittal images (ima 17)
  • lesion size:  17 x 9 x 13 mm
  • T2w:  circumscribed, homogenous moderate hypointense  focus - category 5/5
  • DWI:  markedly hyperintense on DWI (b1000 and b1400) and markedly hypointense on ADC focus - category 5/5
  • DCE:  focal early enhancement - positive

Transition zone (TZ):  moderate heterogeneity, multiple BPH nodules with one focal finding

Focal lesion #2:

  • location:  mid basal anterior fibromuscular stroma (AFMS), visible on axial images (ima 17-18), sagittal images (ima 13-15)
  • lesion size:  13 x 8 x 16 mm
  • T2w:  circumscribed, homogenous moderate hypointense  focus - category 5/5
  • DWI:  markedly hyperintense on DWI (b1000 and b1400) and markedly hypointense on ADC focus - category 5/5
  • DCE:  focal early enhancement - positive

Prostate margin:  lesion #1 with broad capsular contact (~16 mm)

Overall PI-RADS category:  5

Neurovascular bundles:  not involved

Seminal vesicles:  not involved

Lymph nodes:  no enlarged or suspicious lymph nodes

Pelvic bones:  typical “herniation pit” at the anterior aspect of the superolateral femoral head-neck junction, subchondral cyst of the symphysis pubis, no signs of bony metastasis


Very highly suspicious lesion of the right apical, anterior peripheral zone (PZa) with broad capsular contact and further lesion of the mid basal anterior fibromuscular stroma (AFMS) - PI-RADS 5.

A prostate biopsy was recommended.

Key findings

Annotated image
finding #1
finding #2

Key images:

Focal lesion #1 (red arrows):

  • circumscribed, homogenous moderate hypointense focus, markedly hyperintense in high b-value (b1400) and markedly hypointense in ADC (red arrows) with early enhancement on DCE (not shown),
  • located in the right mid gland/apical anterior peripheral zone and right anterior fibromuscular stroma (AFMS)

Focal lesion #2 (blue arrowheads):

  • circumscribed, homogenous moderate hypointense focus, markedly hyperintense in high b-value (b1400) and markedly hypointense in ADC (blue arrowheads) with early enhancement on DCE,
  • located in the middle (bilateral) of the basal anterior fibromuscular stroma (AFMS)

Case Discussion

This case demonstrates a PI-RADS 5 lesion of the right apical anterior peripheral zone (PZa) and a further PI-RADS 5 lesion of the basal anterior fibromuscular stroma (AFMS).

Histology of the MR in-bore revealed a continuous infiltrate of an acinar adenocarcinoma (modified Gleason score 4+3=7b, G2b, high grade) within the two cores.

After consultation with his urologist patient is receiving radiation therapy.

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