Retromolar trigone squamous cell carcinoma

Case contributed by Saad Ahmed Saad Hassan
Diagnosis certain


Pain in the oral cavity associated with an indurated mucosa of the right retromolar trigone

Patient Data

Age: 70 years
Gender: Male
This study is a stack
T2 tirm
This study is a stack
Axial T2
fat sat
This study is a stack
This study is a stack
Axial T1
C+ fat sat
This study is a stack
Coronal T1
C+ fat sat
This study is a stack
Sagittal T1
C+ fat sat

There is a rather well-defined small lesion within the right retromolar trigone, measuring 19 x 16 x 14 mm in its maximum dimensions. The lesion elicits a low signal on T1WI and a high signal on T2WI with mild post-contrast enhancement. There is no evidence of invasion of the surrounding structures. 

There is no cervical lymphadenopathy.

Case Discussion

Pathologically proven right retromolar region SCC (T1 N0). 

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