Greater trochanter bursa injection

Case contributed by James Harvey
Diagnosis not applicable


Left lateral hip pain centered on the greater trochanter. Previous GT bursa injections with good effect.

Patient Data

Age: 70
Gender: Male

US-guided greater tro...

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US-guided greater trochanteric bursa HCLA injection

Preliminary ultrasound demonstrated the left greater trochanteric bursa distended with anechoic fluid. The patient was focally tender to probe pressure.

In-plane approach. 25-gauge needle inserted under ultrasound guidance. HCLA injected (in this case 1ml 5.7 mg betamethasone + 3 ml 0.5% bupivacaine). The bursa can be seen to distend.

Case Discussion

The trochanteric bursa (also known as the subgluteus maximus bursa) is located between the gluteus maximus and the posterior part of gluteus medius.

In this case the bursa was seen distended with fluid. Where no fluid is identified within the bursa on the preliminary ultrasound, gentle rotation of the hip may help to identify the potential space of the bursa.

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