While playing cricket, the patient tried to avoid stumping resulting in hyper stretching of the left thigh. Presented with a complaint of posterior thigh pain for the last 2 weeks. Past history of left knee anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction about 6 years back.
Patient Data

Semitendinosus shows normal proximal attachment a the ischial tuberosity. The muscle belly shows fatty infiltration and atrophy. The retracted distal tendon about 120 mm cranial to knee joint level.
Semimembranosus shows normal proximal attachment to the ischial tuberosity. There is a tear at the myotendinous junction in the proximal thigh. Local hematoma is present ( about 10 ccs). The rest of the muscle shows normal echopattern and bulk. Its distal tendon is intact.
Biceps femoris muscle and tendon are normal. The sciatic nerve shows a normal echopattern.
Case Discussion
The case shows acute injury of semimembranosus muscle due to hyper stretching. Changes in the semitendinosus are due to previous anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction where the tendon was used for autograft.