Hepatic hydatid cyst

Case contributed by Rania Adel Anan
Diagnosis almost certain


Abdominal pain.

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male
This study is a stack
This study is a stack
Axial C+ portal
venous phase
This study is a stack
Coronal C+ portal
venous phase

Right hepatic lobe well-defined lesion with fluid attenuation and multiple daughter cysts inside giving honeycomb/rosette pattern. There is no calcification or any enhancing components within.

Moderate splenomegaly and multiple enlarged reactive upper abdominal lymph nodes are also detected.

Minimal right-sided hydroureteronephrosis down to a minute hyperdense stone seen within the right pelvic ureter (green arrow in axial non-contrast image) and a few bilateral renal simple cortical cysts are also noted. 

Case Discussion

This patient is a shepherd. CT findings along with the patient history are consistent with hepatic hydatid cyst. The liver is the most common site of hydatid infection.

Honeycomb / Rosette pattern is a very characteristic sign, which helps in diagnosing hydatid cysts. It represents multivesicular mother cyst with daughter cysts separated by radiating septae representing cyst walls and hydatid sand/matrix.

Right calcular obstructive uropathy was also there.

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