Day 2 in ICU post Tiger snake bite. Worsening ventilation, increasing FIO2.
Patient Data

ETT, NGT and right jugular CVL are well positioned.
Diffuse hazy and coalescent airspace opacification bilaterally with a predominance in the lower and mid zones (which has increased from the initial daily CXRs).
Case Discussion
The patient was treated for ARDS and made a slow recovery, spending 10 days in ICU. This was despite antivenom which was given in the emergency department 1 hour after the bite.
Tiger snake envenomation can cause 1:
- consumptive coagulopathy (VICC, venom-induced consumptive coagulopathy) which is the most common effect
- myotoxicity
- neurotoxicity
ARDS in this case is probably multifactorial due to all these effects (at least this is what was hypothesized by the ICU physicians and toxicologists).