Left iliac palpable soft tissue mass. History of cesarean section 6 years ago.
Patient Data

Left lower anterior abdominal wall, well defined soft tissue mass is seen involving the deep subcutaneous fat and inseparable form abdominal wall muscles. It is seen eliciting isointense signal on T1, heterogenous iso to a high signal on T2 WI with posteriorly located cystic foci within. On post contrast series, it is seen showing heterogenous enhancement. It is measuring 2.6 x 2.44 cm along its maximal axial dimensions.
Anteverted average sized uterus showing homogenous myometrium & average endometrial thickness measuring about 12 mm. Low signal IUCD is seen within. Few cervical Nabothian cysts are noted.
Average sized ovaries with left ovarian dominant follicle seen measuring 2 cm in diameter.
Case Discussion
Left lower anterior abdominal wall deep subcutaneous/ muscular soft tissue mass.
The location of the mass at Cesarian Section scar and MR features are of endometriosis at cesarian section scar.