Right renal colic. Ultrasound detects a right renal tumor.
Patient Data

The lower pole renal parenchyma of the right kidney contains a well-defined lesion measuring 23 × 19 × 30 mm, demonstrating strong arterial phase enhancement, with contrast washout in the venous phase and retention in the delayed phase.
A few simple cysts in the left kidney, with a maximum diameter of 11 mm.

No abnormal findings on the chest radiograph.
Surgical report:
during the operation, a tumor was observed at the lower pole of the right kidney, measuring approximately 3 cm with relatively well-defined margins
the tumor and a portion of the lower pole were resected and sent for histopathological examination
Histopathology report:
macroscopic: the renal tumor specimen measures 2 cm and has a dark brown color
microscopic: the tumor consists of renal cells with abundant clear cytoplasm. The nuclei are hyperchromatic and atypical. Tumor cells are arranged in nests and clusters, invading the fibrous stroma
conclusion: renal cell carcinoma, clear cell type, grade 2
Case Discussion
Imaging and histopathological findings consistent with clear cell renal cell carcinoma.
Postoperatively, the patient's symptoms improved. Whole-body metastatic screening was performed, with no evidence of distant metastasis. The tumor was staged as T1aN0M0.