Known patient of Crohn disease with acute exacerbation.
Patient Data
Age: 35 years
Gender: Male
From the case:
Crohn disease


Three skip segments of ileum show circumferential mural thickening and hyperenhancement:
- 10 cm contiguous involvement of terminal ileum extending to ileocecal junction and medial cecal wall
- 5 cm of proximal terminal ileum
- 6 cm of mid-ileum
Enlarged four to five discrete enhancing ileocolic lymph nodes largest measuring 16 mm in short axis. Rest of the small and large bowel loops are normal. No entero-enteric or entero-cutaneous fistulae.
Case Discussion
Typical case of Crohn disease with skip lesion iinvolvement of multiple segments of ileum and secondary locoregional lymphadenopathy. No bowel-bowel or bowel-skin fistulations. No intra-abdominal inflammatory collections.