Follicular bronchiolitis

Case contributed by Akos Jaray
Diagnosis certain


New hemoptysis in a known follicular bronchiolitis patient recently on macrolide antibiotic therapy.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Male
  • Widespread small centrilobular ground-glass nodules can be noted in both lungs predominantly in the lower lung zones.
  • There is a small patchy consolidation in the perihilar region of the left lower lobe.
  • Diffuse bronchial wall thickening is noted.
  • There is no evidence of significant mucus plugging.
  • There is no pleural effusion.

Case Discussion

The patient had a previous thymectomy and was a non-smoker.

The presence of centrilobular ground-glass nodules is typical finding in follicular bronchiolitis due to the hyperplasia of the bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue .

In addition small pulmonary cysts are noted as well, which is a common related finding.

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