
Case contributed by Liter Nguri
Diagnosis certain


C/o pain in right hypochondrium. H/o cholecystectomy 2 months back.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Male
This study is a stack
This study is a stack
Axial C+ portal
venous phase
This study is a stack
Coronal C+ portal
venous phase

Contrast CT abdomen scan reveals a relatively well-circumscribed heterogenous lesion with multiple air foci within in subhepatic region closely abutting gall bladder fossa and displacing antro-pyloric region of the stomach. There are mild perilesional fat stranding, minimal collection and peritoneal thickening. The lesion shows heterogeneous peripheral enhancement seen on the post-contrast study, mild circumferential wall thickening at the antro-pyloric region of the stomach adjacent to the lesion is noted suggesting reactive inflammation. Fistulous communication to the stomack antrum is noted.
Mild circumferential wall thickening of ascending colon, cecum and transverse colon- suggesting inflammation.

Case Discussion

This case demonstrates the typical spongiform appearance of gossypiboma with multiple internal air foci in the postoperative bed​. The patient underwent surgery and the retained surgical sponge was removed.

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